All Balloon Nylons

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Balloon Nylons
The Perfect Solution for the Safe Packaging of Sensitive Products

Bubble nylons are an ideal packaging solution for transporting and storing sensitive and breakable products. These special nylons come in various forms and types, such as bubble bags, air packaging nylons and packaging airbags, which makes them suitable for different industries and areas of use.

Bubble Bags
Bubble bags are bags that are usually made of plastic and have small air-filled bubbles inside. These bubbles protect the products against bumps, bumps and vibrations. It is a preferred packaging solution especially during the shipment of breakable and sensitive products.

Air Packaging Nylons
Air packaging nylons usually come in rolls and are cut and used according to needs. These nylons usually contain air-filled pouches of various sizes. It provides resistance to damage by creating an air layer that wraps and protects the products. It is mainly used frequently in the transportation and logistics sector.

Packaging Airbags
Packaging airbags are a modular packaging system, usually consisting of air-filled bags or pillows. These pillows create a barrier against damage during transportation, especially by filling gaps in the package and fixing the products. It is widely preferred due to its easy operation and effective protection.

areas of use:

E-Commerce and Cargo Sector: It is used for sending sensitive electronic products, glassware or other breakable materials safely during online shopping.

Retail: It is used for the protection of products during the storage and transportation of products in stores.

Production and Industrial Use: It is used during the safe storage and transportation of products produced in factories.

Transportation and Transportation: It is widely used in the logistics and transportation sectors to protect products from bumps and bumps during transportation.

Storage: It is an ideal packaging solution for the protection and orderly storage of products in storage areas.

Bubble Decking nylons offer a wide range of inter-industrial uses, providing effective protection for the safety of products.

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